Crosby Home Services

Are you looking for a completely new deck? Need your old deck replaced?
Fantastic! We love to build, repair, and replace decks.
Basic, Professional, & Custom Decks
Basic, Professional, & Custom Decks
The sky is the limit when it comes to deck projects and materials. What we’ve done is break down deck projects into three categories: basic, professional, and custom. What we are trying to do is give you some guidelines for what to expect with your deck. We have it split into new construction deck and replacement deck so if you just want some repairs or a new railing give us a call and we’d love to talk with you about it. The biggest factors that affect the difficulty of your deck are size, shape and height. A curved deck has more wasted material then a straight deck and a second floor deck is more difficult to work on then a ground level.
Deck Wood
Basic Deck
Basic Deck
A basic deck is made of wood, everything wood, frame and deck and railing. Here in Arizona most decking wood is usually redwood so that’s what we’re talking about here. Wood is beautiful, but, requires maintenance. You can’t really get into composite products or fancy railings in the price ranges for a basic deck.
Basic New Construction Deck Cost:
Basic Replacement Deck Cost:
Redwood Deck
Professional Deck
Professional Deck

This is the type of deck that has the most options. You can have cable railings, composite decking, hardwood decking like ipe, some of the composite and aluminum railings. There is a lot you can do within the price ranges for this type of deck.

Professional New Construction Deck Cost:
Gray Deck
Professional Replacement Deck Cost:
Custom Deck
Custom Deck
Custom Deck
This is the deck that you are dreaming of! You can use the best composite or wood decking like clear heart redwood and any type of railing you want like glass or decorative iron. You can get into curved deck boards, contrasting decking colors, decking inlays and so much more.
Custom New Construction Deck Cost:
New Deck Construction
Custom Replacement Deck Cost:
Gray Deck